Keep workers safe from accidental slips indoors and avoid costly hazmat cleanup costs.
Made of recycled polyethylene, this pallets resists chemical attack from hazardous acids, caustics and solvents. The oversized sump holds the contents of a 200L drum in the event of leak or rupture—meeting or exceeding the most stringent spill containment regulations. Seamless construction eliminates leaks. Self-locating grates lift off for quick clean up. The dark color hides grime and dirt to keep your workplace looking clean.
- 100% recycled polyethylene
- Sump capacity: 284L
- Load bearing capacity: 2268kg based on a service temperature range of -39°C to 49°C
- Unit weight: 50kg
- Dimentions: W2460 x D640 x H230mm
- Seamless construction
- Protects against ground water works contamination
- Multi-functional units improve productivity, keep personnel safe from accidental slips and limit exposure and clean-up costs from hazardous spills
- All models are available with an optional Drain Plug Kit (DPK), fitted prior to dispatch
Compliance: EPA, UFC